To be successful, dentists can’t merely focus on providing excellent dental care -you also need to know how to run a profitable practice. Dental implant providers succeed and flourish when they have an effective marketing plan that generates qualified leads.
Lead generation can be a challenge for dental practices that offer high-value procedures such as implants.
Besides having a longer and more complex buying process, these practices also require an extensive patient base.
If you want to grow your dental implant practice, Driven Dental can help you attract new patients’ sales every month with a tailored dental implant marketing strategy. Get in touch with us today and start generating more traffic and leads.
Target the Right Audience

According to the American Dental Association report, approximately 15 million people in the U.S. undergo bridge and crown replacement for missing or decaying teeth yearly, facilitating the demand for dental implants.
Although the market for people needing dental implants is strong, many dental implant providers struggle to reach prospective patients.
Identifying the groups of people most likely to acquire your service is key to any successful marketing campaign.
In implant marketing, you want to reach two types of market:
People are actively looking for a dentist for dental implants.
People who are candidates for dental implants but are unaware of the benefits of implants life-changing benefits.
Lead Generation Focused on Dental Implants

Need lead generation for your dental implant practice? At Driven Dental, we use a data-driven dental implant marketing strategy to help you achieve your practice goals faster and efficiently. Save time and maximize your investment by creating new and recurrent patient opportunities within a matter of months. Before you know it, you’ll see a steady flow of patients coming in your door and becoming recurrent patients.
Find out what’s preventing your website from getting qualified traffic. Schedule a strategy call and find out how Driven Dental can help you grow your practice.
Attract More Patients Today
When it comes to dental implant leads, patients rarely receive the implant at their first appointment. Instead, dentists first need to run tests and do an initial evaluation to see if they qualify for the treatment.
Implant dentistry involves a more complex buying process than many other general procedures. At Driven Dental, we specialize in lead generation for dental implant practices. Our experts will help you attract your target audience’s attention, engage them and then encourage them to make an appointment at your practice.